One spirit
One spirit

one spirit

That’s the stereotypical way of thinking about Western Christianity. People everywhere are hungry for experiential reality, not just doctrinal facts or historical facts, which are affirmed with the mind. I think this emphasis on the experiential nature of the Spirit is precisely why the movement has been so globally dynamic and effective. What is common among many branches of Pentecostalism is not a singular view of baptism in the Spirit, but rather a strong emphasis on the experiential nature of the Spirit’s presence in the life of the believer. He shows that there are far more diverse understandings of the Holy Spirit and his work among global Pentecostalism than we thought. I just finished a book by Allan Heaton Anderson, To the Ends of the Earth: Pentecostalism and the Transformation of World Christianity. “This emphasis on the experiential nature of the Spirit is why the Pentecostal movement has been so globally effective.” That’s the stereotype, anyway, of what Pentecostalism means.

one spirit

Pentecostalism is usually defined as a movement in Christianity that thinks of the baptism of the Holy Spirit as a second experience, usually after conversion, marked by speaking in tongues. Can you explain what the Bible means by the ‘baptism of the Spirit’ as it relates to both (1) our initial salvation experience, and then (2) whether or not we are to expect or seek after subsequent baptisms of the Spirit later in the Christian life?” Longing to Experience the Spirit I’ve seen churches do this and put a lot of focus on these experiences, which make me quite uncomfortable. “Hello, Pastor John! I have struggled to understand and embrace the ‘baptism of the Holy Spirit,’ especially manifested as someone laughing and rolling around on the floor or even passing out for thirty minutes or longer. Here’s today’s question, sent anonymously to us from Berlin, Germany. What are we to make of the baptism of the Holy Spirit? The phrase seems to mean different things in the Bible - and it certainly means very different things to different denominations and church practices. John Piper joins me over the phone for today’s question, an important one.

One spirit