Birthday numerology
Birthday numerology

Number 33: This number is best suited for performing arts. Besides the careers for number 4, they can also become educationalist, warrior, political leader or an industrialist. However, whatever they do, must do on a large scale. Number 22 people can do unbelievable great work in the field they have chosen, the career path for them is same as number 4 and number 8 people. Number 22: This is a great master number, which is known as a Master Builder Number. Number 11 people can also become great performing artists, like an actor, music composer etc. Else they can opt for careers related to Number 2 i.e., careers in the field of creativity, teaching, counseling, and diplomacy. People with this number can become great spiritual gurus, spiritual healers & medico, etc. Careers for Master Number 11, 22, 33, 44 people

birthday numerology

Moreover, they can become very successful in real estate and construction business, Mining, and can create big industries and business houses. They can also become a successful sportsperson, especially the sports where high energy and stamina are required. They should opt for a humanitarian profession or join the army, navy, air force, or police services. Number 9: Number 9 people are humanitarians and great warriors. They can also be successful as politicians & organizational leaders. Number 8 people can opt for careers in finance, administrative services, banking and investment, NGOs, real estate and construction, etc. Number 8: It is the number associated with money, wealth, power, administration and management. They also have a good voice, so they can become singers, voice artists, RJs, etc.

birthday numerology

They can go in for professions like a spy, researcher, innovator, writer, teacher, trainer, and any profession related to occult sciences, religion, and spirituality. They can keep secrets and are great observers, thinkers, and analyzers. Number 7: Number 7 people are introverts, spiritual, serious, and hard working.

birthday numerology

They do also well in food-related businesses like restaurants, food processing, agriculture, and food products etc. Also, creative, calm, and people’s person, should opt for creative professions like an architect, fashion designer, interior designer, healer, doctor, marketing & public relations, consultant, etc. family-oriented, creative, cool, harmonious, humanitarian, and angels for their friends and related people. They are loving and caring towards their family, friends, and society at large. Number 6: Number 6 people are highly responsible and respected people. These people are also natural gamblers and risk-takers and can make quick money in high-risk professions, however, there are chances of setbacks as well. They can opt for careers in acting, music, journalism, law, film making, sales & marketing, public speaking, performing artists, detective agents, etc. They can be successful in various fields. Number 5: Number 5 people are smart workers and also multi-talented. They should avoid speculative professions like share market, gambling, etc. They are also critical thinkers so the best professions for them are journalism, lawyer, consultant, engineer, technologist, etc. They can only make money through hard work. Number 4: Number 4 people are multi-talented yet not money-minded. If they want to opt for a job, it should be a leadership role. Best career options: CEO, Army Officer or commander, Political Leader, etc. They also have excellent leadership qualities. They can excel in their own independent career. Number 1: It is the number of initiators. Also Read - Horoscope today, October 17: Aries Must Apply For a Job, Virgos Should Focus on Their Work Careers according to numerology To select the right career for yourself, you should look at both, the birth number as well as the life path number. Like 11 and 22 33, 44, etc also have some additional and greater qualities.


If the total of your full date of birth is 11, 22, 29(11), 33, 38(11), 44, etc, your life path number is a Master Number. If you were born on the 29th, add the digits and it becomes 11, the Master Number. 11 and 22 are Master Numbers, which have some additional and greater qualities.

  • Master Numbers: If you were born on the 11th or 22nd of any month, do not convert the number into a single-digit number.
  • For example, your full date of birth is, then by adding all the numbers in the date we get 3, so 3 is your life path number.
  • Life Path Number: It is a single-digit total of your full date of birth.
  • For example, if your date of birth is 14, then your birth number is 1+4=5.

    birthday numerology

    Birth Number: A birth number is the single-digit total of your day number, i.e.

    Birthday numerology